



Helly guys!

Currently i have the following problem: on a WinForms-Mask there are some textboxes. For some of the textboxes i use the Event "TextChanged" to check if the textbox-content reaches its "MaxLength" AND the cursor is at the end of the textbox. It's one handler for all the "TextChanged" textboxes.

The problem: as soon as i click the mouse in one of those (these?) textboxes, the cursor within the textbox, that shows me the position disappears. I can't see where the current position for inserting text is (unless i type something of course). -> SOLVED: set the "BorderType"-property from "None" to "Fixed3D"

And the system-sound that tells me "textbox full, you can't insert any more letter" doesn't play. -still UNSOLVED (2009-08-03, 09:55 MEZ)

Another thing i am curious about is that textboxes that don't have the "TextChanged"-event react as expected (cursor visible, sound plays when textbox is full).

Does anyone has an idea, a hint?