There seems to be no ideal deep clone operator yet for array-like objects. As the code below illustrates, John Resig's jQuery cloner turns arrays with non-numeric properties into objects that are not arraays, and RegDwight's JSON cloner drops the non-numeric properties. The following tests illustrate these points on multiple browsers:
function jQueryClone(obj) {
return jQuery.extend(true, {}, obj)
function JSONClone(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj))
var arrayLikeObj = [[1, "a", "b"], [2, "b", "a"]];
arrayLikeObj.names = ["m", "n", "o"];
var JSONCopy = JSONClone(arrayLikeObj);
var jQueryCopy = jQueryClone(arrayLikeObj);
alert("Is arrayLikeObj an array instance?" + (arrayLikeObj instanceof Array) +
"\nIs the jQueryClone an array instance? " + (jQueryCopy instanceof Array) +
"\nWhat are the arrayLikeObj names? " + arrayLikeObj.names +
"\nAnd what are the JSONClone names? " + JSONCopy.names)