




I have a problem, i didn't found yet the solution so i am asking your help. In my database I have some int, decimal and string that needs to be convert in numeric with specific length and precision to include in a flat file.


integer 123 to numeric(8,0) ==> 00000123
decimal 123,123 to numeric(8,8) ==> 0000012312300000
String "22" to numeric(8,0) ==> 00000022

It can't put comma or dot. Is there an easy solution I try a lot of things but none will give me my result except doing loops foreach Filed in my flat file too dirty!!


the flat file gets information based on there start point and the lenght so every data i includ in the file has to be a cetain lenght. And for the Numeric I have for exemple

   database Decimal Price = 123,456
   File     Numeric(8,6) Price = 00000123456000

I wanted to know how could i parse any decimal or integer data based on N(,)

+3  A: 

Check out String.Format:

+4  A: 

Try this:

string ToNumericString(int value) {
    return value.ToString("00000000");

string ToNumericString(decimal value) {
    var value16 = Math.Truncate(value * 100000000);
    return value16.ToString("0000000000000000");

string ToNumericString(string value) {
    return ToNumericString(int.Parse(value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

To call it:


or more general:

string ToNumericString(decimal value, int digitsBefore, int digitsAfter) {
    var value16 = Math.Truncate(value * (decimal)Math.Pow(10,digitsAfter));
    return value16.ToString(new String('0', digitsBefore + digitsAfter));

MessageBox.Show(ToNumericString(123.123M, 8, 3));
Josip Medved
how could it put "0" befor and after my value? decimal 123,123 to numeric(8,8) ==> 0000012312300000
@Polo In example above, I did it by adding eight 0s to the number (multiply with 100000000) and then converting it to string with sixteen 0 characters. That produces desired result (test it).Other way you could do it is converting number before and after . separately. That would give you same result as first method but with little bit more clarity.
Josip Medved
I've seen your exemple but i m trying to edit it because i have to choose the lenght sometime they want an N(8,3) or N(13,0) or N(9,3)
@Polo: I added more general example.
Josip Medved
Great, that was the exact algorithme that i was looking for!!! THANKS A LOT