I am importing data to Excel sheets from a database. For this, I am using datareader. The excel sheet template has some macros and few formulae calculated and its not the normal excel worksheet. so I have to write the data into the excel sheet only if the particular cell is allowed to write. If not, the data shouldn't be imported.
So for this, I have a XML file which says from which column I should start writing and in which row it should stop, I have done this for many sheets. But in one sheet, the first cell of the row is "readonly" (locked) and the rest are write access permitted.
Since I get the entire row from DB using Datareader, I am stuck with needing to write to the other cells, without writing to the locked cell.
I am attaching the code snippet for reference.
Please help me in doing this.
Sample ::
if (reader.HasRows)
minRow = 0;
minCol = 0;
Excel.Workbook SelWorkBook = excelAppln.Workbooks.Open(curfile, 0, false, 5, "", "", false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, false, false, false);
Excel.Sheets excelSheets = SelWorkBook.Worksheets;
Excel.Worksheet excelworksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelSheets.get_Item(CurSheetName);
// Process each result in the result set
while (reader.Read())
// Create an array big enough to hold the column values
object[] values = new object[reader.FieldCount];
// Add the array to the ArrayList
// Get the column values into the array
int iValueIndex = 0;
// If the Reading Format is by ColumnByColumn
if (CurTaskNode.ReadFormat == "ColumnbyColumn")
minCol = 0;
// minRow = 0;
for (int iCol = 0; iCol < CurTaskNode.HeaderData.Length; iCol++)
// Checking whether the Header data exists or not
if (CurTaskNode.HeaderData[minCol] != "")
// Assigning the Value from reader to the particular cell in excel sheet
excelworksheet.Cells[CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_ROW + minRow, CurTaskNode.DATA_MIN_COL + minCol] = values[iValueIndex];
}SelWorkBook.Close(true, curfile, null);
Please help me in resolving this.
Thank You,