Can anyone explain to me why xml1.Element("title") correctly equals "<title>Customers Main333</title>
" but xml2.Element("title") surprisingly equals null, i.e. why do I have to get the XML document as an element instead of a document in order to pull elements out of it?
var xml1 = XElement.Load(@"C:\\test\\smartForm-customersMain.xml");
var xml2 = XDocument.Load(@"C:\\test\\smartForm-customersMain.xml");
string title1 = xml1.Element("title").Value;
string title2 = xml2.Element("title").Value;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<smartForm idCode="customersMain">
<title>Customers Main333</title>
<description>Generic customer form.</description>
<area idCode="generalData" title="General Data">
<field idCode="anrede">
<field idCode="firstName">
<label>First Name</label>
<field idCode="lastName">
<label>Last Name</label>
<area idCode="address" title="Address">
<field idCode="street">
<field idCode="location">
<field idCode="zipCode">
<label>Zip Code</label>