



I am looking for a good ASP.NET MVC hosting company and would like recommendations. I realize MVC can be installed on any ASP.NET host, but want a solution where it is installed in the GAC. Also, must offer MySQL DB.


+3  A: 

Not a direct answer, but I'd really like to suggest you rethink what you're getting into. IMO You should really try not to depend on something being in the GAC when deploying a site. It immediately complicates the deployment process. Keep all the dll's you'll be needing inside your web app.

David Archer
But ASP.NET MVC is now part of the framework, why shouldn't you depend on core framework components being in the GAC? In fact the recommendations from the ASP.NET MVC team during the beta/RC stage where "You can deploy this to /bin folder, but you will then be responsible for updating it".What if the question was "I'm looking to deploy a site that uses ASP.NET Dynamic Data", or "I'd like to deploy a site using the new script combining features" - all of these are part of framework, and GAC deployed once SP1 has been deployed.
Zhaph - Ben Duguid
You're right and I agree. I was answering this with my 'current project' hat on. I deployed a little while ago with RC (1 i think, dunno) and had been weary after running into issues with bits and pieces changing. My initial thought was update framework when possible since it was/is so young. then I thought no, I'll concentrate on getting this project out with current (known) technology. Next project can use next release etc. But yes, once released in, as you say sp1, then you're right its best to stick with the supported releases. Thanks for comment :-)
David Archer
+1  A: 

I am developing my first MVC app and haven't hit the production stage yet, but it should a clincher because I have a dedicated server. I can modify practically anything.

If you can afford it I recommend VPS. It will let you install anything you want and ASP.Net MVC deploymet will be no pain. It's not so very much more expensive than good quality hosting anyway.

Cyril Gupta
Eventually we will go to a cloud based approach to handle the volume, but during these early stages want an inexpensive shared hosting option.

I've been very pleased with the service I've recieved from my hosts Liquid Six. They offer various .NET based hosting plans, which offer MySql databases.

They updated to ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 around April, and I've happily deployed an ASP.NET MVC site to it.

I have their .NET Special Developer Multi plan, and I've found their support to be fast and helpful.

Others can I'm sure offer other suggestions.

Zhaph - Ben Duguid
+3  A: 


I have not launched my own mvc app yet but I been using and they are really good and pretty cheap.

You will get a free Mssql 2005(1GB of space) database what many places charge an arm and a leg for.

Just double check to make sure they have mvc I pretty sure I read that it is now standard on all accounts but you should just double check by emailing them or going on the forum. They respond pretty fast.

Also make sure you sign up for an IIS 7 account and not IIS6 otherwise you have to do all these weird hacks to make the routing work in IIS6.

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I was on the same quest and originally went with ASPnix. I wanted ASP.NET MVC running on IIS7 in Integrated mode so I could take full advantage of the routing features. Well, ASPnix may have a bunch of customers running ASP.NET MVC on IIS6 and maybe a few running on IIS7 in Classic mode. But there's not way they have anyone workon in Integrated mode (which is really the only reason to run on IIS7 in the first place). See this post for more details.

Needless to say, I moved my site over to WebHost4Life and it just worked! Not only that, WH4L has a live chat feature where you actually can talk to people who know what they're doing. Unfortunately my experience at ASPnix was just the opposite: tech support (via email) who really didn't know what they were talking about and assumed you were an idiot as well. Well, that's what they lost my business.


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