Anyone knows how to use Projections.Conditional to produce something like "case ... when..."
The following code gives a wrong query:
IProjection isError = Projections.Conditional( Expression.Eq( "event.LogLevel", eLogLevel.Fatal.ToString( ) ), Projections.Constant( 1 ), Projections.Constant( 0 ) );
ICriteria criteria = Session.CreateCriteria( typeof( LogEvent ), "event" )
.Add( Restrictions.Eq( "event.ApplID", "LogEventViewer" ) )
.SetProjection( Projections.ProjectionList( )
.Add( Projections.GroupProperty( "event.ApplID" ) )
.Add( Projections.RowCount( ), "TotalCount" )
.Add( Projections.Sum( isError ), "ErrorCount" )
The produced statement is incomplete and the order of the parameters is wrong.
exec sp_executesql N'
SELECT this_.strApplID as y0_
, count(distinct this_.lngLogEventID) as y1_
, sum((case when this_.strLogLevel = ? then ? else ? end)) as y2_
, this_.strApplID as y3_
FROM qryLogEvent this_
WHERE this_.strApplID = @p0
GROUP BY this_.strApplID'
,N'@p0 nvarchar(5),@p1 int,@p2 int,@p3 nvarchar(14)'
what is the correct way to use Projections.Conditional?