I have a recursive one-to-many relationship that has the default lazy value of true. What code can I write against the NH API that will efficiently retrieve the ENTIRE tree AS IF I had lazy="false" on the SubCategories mapping?
Here's the recursive one-to-many relationship:
<class name="Category" lazy="false">
<list name="SubCategories" fetch="subselect">
<key column="ParentCategoryID"/>
<index column="PositionInList"/>
<one-to-many class="Category"/>
I don't specify lazy="false" on the list since laziness is required in about half the queries I need to run. I have fetch="subselect" on the list as an optimization for when I do manage to retrieve the entire tree.
I've tried the ICriteria API:
session.CreateCriteria<Category>().SetFetchMode( "SubCategories", FetchMode.Eager ).Add( Restrictions.IsNull("ParentCategory") ).SetResultTransformer( CriteriaSpecification.DistinctRootEntity ).List<Category>();
but that only eagerly loaded only the first level in the hierarchy.