If you are using Java:
Open Source, supports multiple types of barcodes
A list of software can be found here:
If you are using Java:
Open Source, supports multiple types of barcodes
A list of software can be found here:
I don't recognize this bar code - but here are a few sites that might help you (libraries etc.) - assuming you use C# and .NET (you didn't specify in your question):
IANABCE (I Am Not A Barcode Expert), but looking at the barcodes here, I'd say this looks closest to the UCC/EAN-128 symbology, character set 'C'.
Do you know what the barcode is used for? What's the application domain?
It looks a bit like Code 128 but http://www.onlinebarcodereader.com/ does not recognize it as such. Maybe the image quality isn't good enough.
zbar thinks it's Code 128 but the decoded string is suspiciously different than the barcode's own caption. Maybe it's a charset difference?
~/src/zebra-0.5/zebraimg$ ./zebraimg ~/src/barcode/reader/barcode.jpg
scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 images in 0.04 seconds
My old copy was called zebra but the library is now called zbar. http://sourceforge.net/projects/zbar/