




It seems like there should be such an obvious answer, but I've searched and can't find one; what is the difference between cmake and ccmake. I have the Ubuntu package cmake installed, and on my Windows computer, I have the installer from the website, but neither have the command ccmake available... Yet, the tutorials, seem to reference it quite regularly.

It seems that ccmake on Unix is, CMakeSetup on Windows (which is the setup program). But I'm a little confused about it to be honest. Is it just an alternative to manually typing your own CMakeLists.txt files?

+5  A: 

ccmake is curses (terminal handling library) interface to CMake.

cmake is the CLI (Command Line Interface)

+9  A: 

I think ccmake is the GUI for manipulating files generated by / used by the cmake system.

+1: exactly :-)
+1  A: 

ccmake (for Unix) and CMakeSetup (for NT) are indeed equivalent: a UI to cmake. They basically call cmake and display how your project is configured, what libraries have been found and where (for libraries referenced with FIND_LIBRARY. It gives you a chance to review and modify these variables before generating the Makefile or project.

Mathieu JVL