Hey everyone,
I'm building some data dynamically using jQuery, but I'm getting the following error:
Uncaught Error: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: DOM Exception 3
This happens at the appendTo part of a script that looks like this:
$('<tr />').append(
/* lots of stuff */
$('<tr />')
/* some more */
Where $tbody is $('<tbody />');
Can anyone help me out please? For the sake of completeness, this is the entire code:
$div = $('<div />').css('margin-top', '7px').css('width', '620px').addClass('groupBox');
$table = $('<table />').attr('cellpadding', '3').attr('cellspacing', '0').attr('width', '620');
$tbody = $('<tbody />');
$('<tr />').append(
$('<td />').css('width', '45px').attr('valign', 'top').attr('rowspan', '3').attr('align', 'center').append(
$('<a />').attr('href', '/sparkx/' + userData.username).append(
$('<img />').attr('src', '/media/profile/40px/' + userData.photo).attr('alt', userData.firstname).attr('border', '1').css('border-color', '#c0c0c0').css('max-width', ' 42px').css('max-height', ' 40px')
$('<td />').css('border-bottom', '1px dotted #D21C5B').css('border-right', '1px dotted #D21C5B').css('width', '200px').append(
$('<a />').attr('href', '/sparkx/' + userData.username).append(
$('<strong />').text(userData.fullname)
$('<br />')
$('<td />').css('border-bottom', '1px dotted #D21C5B').css('width', '110px').append(
$('<a />').attr('href', '/profile/' + userData.username + '/sendpm').css('line-height', '18px').append(
$('<img />').attr('src', '/templates/front/default/images/send_new_icon.gif').attr('alt', 'Stuur bericht').attr('border', '0').attr('align', 'left').css('margin-right', '5px')
'Stuur bericht')
$('<td />').css('border-bottom', '1px dotted #D21C5B').css('width', '170px').append(
$('<b />').text(
'Geplaatst op:')
' ' + posted
$('<td />').css('border-bottom', '1px dotted #D21C5B').css('width', '135px').append(
(month > 0 ?
$('<b />').text('Was hier:')
$('<div />').css('width', '1px').html(' ')
)).append(month > 0 ? ' ' + months[month] + ' ' + year : '')
(rating > 0 ?
$('<tr />').append(
$('<td />').attr('colspan', '4').append(
$('<strong />').css('color', '#D21C5B').text(userData.firstname + ' vond dit ').append(
(rating == 3 ?
$('<i />').text('een aanrader ').add(
$('<img />').attr('src', '/templates/front/default/images/thumbGood.png').attr('alt', 'Goed').attr('height', '16').css('margin-left', '3px')
: (rating == 2 ?
$('<i />').text('een aanrader ').add(
$('<img />').attr('src', '/templates/front/default/images/thumbAvg.png').attr('alt', 'Redelijk').attr('height', '16').css('margin-left', '3px')
$('<i />').text('slecht ').add(
$('<img />').attr('src', '/templates/front/default/images/thumbBad.png').attr('alt', 'Slecht').attr('height', '16').css('margin-left', '3px')
: '')
(content ?
$('<tr />').append(
$('<td />').attr('colspan', '4').append(
$('<div />').css('width', '100%').text(content).add(
$('<div />').css('float', 'right').css('clear', 'both').append(
$('<a />').attr('href', '/guide/editreaction/' + id).append(
$('<b />').text('edit')
$('<a />').attr('href', thisURL + '/rr/' + id).css('padding-left', '10px').append(
$('<b />').text('delete')
: '')