




I use the example named MoviePlayer from SDK 3.0, but it sometimes crashes.

PS: I never change any code.

Question 1:

My enviroment:

lan media server:10.0,0.118

I enter an MP4 address:

It works fine, but sometimes it crashes.

using gdb:bt mach_msg_trap

mach_msg CFRunLoopRunSpecific CFRunLoopRunInMode GSEventRunModal GSEventRun UIApplicationMain main

What does it mean? I never modify any code.

Question 2:

And sometimes, if I play an MP4 file, and then I play it again, the screen of the simulater will shock. If I play another MP4 file it works fine.

How can I make it work?

Question 3:

The delegate named MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification does not work the first time I play the movie. If I play it again or I play another movie, it is called.


  1. Question 2) This shock and blinking is only a bug in the emulator. It is not happening on a real iPhone device so don't worry about it.
  2. Question 3) I too saw that the delegate named MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification does not work the first time I play the movie which is totally strange. Maybe this is fixed in newest firmware? I don't know. I can't check it. Did you find any workaround for Question 3?