I want to retrieve the most recent requestid
from table tblquoteproposal` for perticular customerId here 3, in this example ID 2 & ID 4.
table tblrequest requestid Customerid 6 2 7 4 8 3 9 3
Table tblquoteproposal
id requestid QuotePraposalLink comment
1 6 jgj mghm
2 7 jhgj hjgj
3 8 xyz1 rifsf
*4 8 xyz2 ri2sf*
5 9 xyz3 ri3sf
*6 9 xyz4 ri4sf*
In this table requestid
is foreign key.
There is also another table tblrequest
which has requestid
as primary key.
I have written the following query but it doesn't give me the right results:
SELECT r.RequestId,r.ConsultantId,(SELECT concat(FirstName,' ',LastName)
FROM tbluser
WHERE UserId = v_userId) as "Customer",
FROM tblrequest r
LEFT OUTER JOIN tblquoteproposal qp ON r.RequestId=qp.RequestId
WHERE r.customerid=v_userId
GROUP BY r.RequestId
ORDER BY qp.id ;