




I'm building a web javascript frontend to a Geo Mapping REST api. The backend recently changed from using DWR to REST to avoid cross-domain issues with browsers.

The issue is that in both IE6 and IE7 the resize event is not triggered anymore if there is a REST call made while the application loads.

If the server calls made during application load are REST, then the resize event will not be fired at all. If the server calls are swapped back to DWR calls they work fine.

After the application loads using only DWR calls and then it uses REST to get more data the resize event will still work fine after.

The connection to the REST api works by : the resultset from the API is in JSONP format. browser connects to a REST url and sticks the result into a tag and parses it.

Has anyone else seen the resize bug ?? I'm at my wits end !! It all works perfectly with all other browsers firefox / safari / chrome / IE8 ..............

Any help gratefully recieved !

Thanks, Colm