initially hovering works and the "over" class is added on mouseenter and removed on mouseout, but after doing some hovering over paragraphs with class="risk" the toggle class becomes stuck, and mouseover removes it instead of adding the class (opposite of expected functionality)
//changes risk map point color when hovering over
// risk list item on right hand side
$("p.risk").bind("mouseenter mouseleave", function(e){
var pointId= "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderMain_" + $(this).attr("id");
var pointArray = $(".riskMapPoint");
for(i=0; i<pointArray.length; i++){
if( $(pointArray[i]).attr("id") == pointId )
$(pointArray[i]).css({'background-color' : '#3D698A'});
$(pointArray[i]).css({'z-index' : '2'});
$(pointArray[i]).css({'background-color' : '#000000'});
$(pointArray[i]).css({'z-index' : '1'});