I am experimenting with ErlyDB in a non-erlyweb environment and I am not having much luck.
I have a 'Thing' table for testing, and a corresponding Thing module:
-export([table/0, fields/0]).
table() ->
fields() ->
[name, value].
The module itself works - I can query the database fine using ([Thing] = thing:find({name, '=', "test"})).
When I try and save a new record, however things aren't so good.
I consistently see the following error:
mysql_conn:426: fetch <<"BEGIN">> (id <0.97.0>)
mysql_conn:426: fetch <<"INSERT INTO thing(value,name) VALUES ('vtha','blah')">> (id <0.97.0>)
mysql_conn:426: fetch <<"ROLLBACK">> (id <0.97.0>)
** exception exit: {{'EXIT',{badarg,[{erlang,hd,[[]]},
in function erlydb_base:do_save/1
in call from erlydb_base:hook/4
in call from test_thing:test/0
called as test_thing:test()
The table exists, the credentials work, and the SQL itself is fine, as I can execute the command directly on the database.
The code I am using to save is:
erlydb:start(mysql, Database),
Thing = thing:new(<<"hello">>, <<"world">>),
Is there something I am missing? Is there some way of viewing some more helpful error messages from the database?