The project I am working on will integrate with the customers Active Directory in order to authenticate users. I have been trying to write some code that will retrieve a users password and I understand that Active Directory will only expose the relevant properties over a SSL connection on port 636.
The following code connects programmatically without using SSL but then I can't see the password properties:
static void Main(string[] args)
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(@"LDAP://<IP>/CN=LDAP Test,CN=Users,DC=customer,DC=com");
entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.None;
entry.Username = "CN=LDAP Test,CN=Users,DC=customer,DC=com";
entry.Password = "<password>";
if (entry != null)
foreach (Object propName in entry.Properties.PropertyNames)
When I change the code to use SSL I get an exception stating ;Unknown error (0x80005000)'.
I have enabled SSL on the server hosting Active Directory, installed a Microsoft CA on the same server and obtained a certificate from the CA.
I can connect to the Active Directory over SSL using Apache Directory Studio but that does not show the password properties.
The following code shows what I have been trying to use to connect using SSL:
static void Main(string[] args)
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(@"LDAPS://<IP>:636/CN=LDAP Test,CN=Users,DC=customer,DC=com");
entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.SecureSocketsLayer;
entry.Username = "CN=LDAP Test,CN=Users,DC=customer,DC=com";
entry.Password = "<password>";
if (entry != null)
foreach (Object propName in entry.Properties.PropertyNames)
I'm not sure where to go with this and some assistance would be greatly appreciated.