



DataColumn.DataType returns FullName = "MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime" regardless of the type of the column it represents, if it is either DATE, TIME, or DATETIME.

Clearly I can query the information_schema.columns table, though I'm hoping that the connector library stores this detail somewhere that I just can't find in the documentation.

+1  A: 

From a quick look at the MySQLClient source code, I think your best choice is IDataReader.GetDataTypeName(). This is the underlying DBMS's name for the data type of a column. For (a limited amount of) more info, see the MSDN docs and the the corresponding MySQL docs for this property.

Here's the source from MySqlDateTime.cs for this property, which looks promising:

string IMySqlValue.MySqlTypeName
  switch (type)
   case MySqlDbType.Date: return "DATE";
   case MySqlDbType.Newdate: return "NEWDATE";
   case MySqlDbType.Timestamp: return "TIMESTAMP";
  return "DATETIME";

Here's another utility function you may want to borrow the code of, from MetaData.cs:

public static MySqlDbType NameToType(string typeName, bool unsigned,
  bool realAsFloat, MySqlConnection connection)
 switch (typeName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
  case "CHAR": return MySqlDbType.String;
  case "VARCHAR": return MySqlDbType.VarChar;
  case "DATE": return MySqlDbType.Date;
  case "DATETIME": return MySqlDbType.DateTime;
  case "NUMERIC":
  case "DECIMAL":
  case "DEC":
  case "FIXED":
   if (connection.driver.Version.isAtLeast(5, 0, 3))
    return MySqlDbType.NewDecimal;
    return MySqlDbType.Decimal;
  case "YEAR":
   return MySqlDbType.Year;
  case "TIME":
   return MySqlDbType.Time;
  case "TIMESTAMP":
   return MySqlDbType.Timestamp;
  case "SET": return MySqlDbType.Set;
  case "ENUM": return MySqlDbType.Enum;
  case "BIT": return MySqlDbType.Bit;

  case "TINYINT":
            return unsigned ? MySqlDbType.UByte : MySqlDbType.Byte;
  case "BOOL":
  case "BOOLEAN":
   return MySqlDbType.Byte;
  case "SMALLINT":
   return unsigned ? MySqlDbType.UInt16 : MySqlDbType.Int16;
  case "MEDIUMINT":
   return unsigned ? MySqlDbType.UInt24 : MySqlDbType.Int24;
  case "INT":
  case "INTEGER":
   return unsigned ? MySqlDbType.UInt32 : MySqlDbType.Int32;
  case "SERIAL":
   return MySqlDbType.UInt64;
  case "BIGINT":
   return unsigned ? MySqlDbType.UInt64 : MySqlDbType.Int64;
  case "FLOAT": return MySqlDbType.Float;
  case "DOUBLE": return MySqlDbType.Double;
  case "REAL": return
    realAsFloat ? MySqlDbType.Float : MySqlDbType.Double;
        case "TEXT":
            return MySqlDbType.Text;
        case "BLOB":
   return MySqlDbType.Blob;
  case "LONGBLOB":
            return MySqlDbType.LongBlob;
        case "LONGTEXT":
            return MySqlDbType.LongText;
  case "MEDIUMBLOB":
            return MySqlDbType.MediumBlob;
        case "MEDIUMTEXT":
            return MySqlDbType.MediumText;
  case "TINYBLOB":
            return MySqlDbType.TinyBlob;
  case "TINYTEXT":
   return MySqlDbType.TinyText;
        case "BINARY":
            return MySqlDbType.Binary;
        case "VARBINARY":
            return MySqlDbType.VarBinary;
 throw new MySqlException("Unhandled type encountered");
Justin Grant
Thank you. That might prove helpful for future projects. However almost all of my code is based around filling DataTable objects with DataAdapter.Fill() rather than using a DataReader.