You'll have to set up the php script to run every x minutes or so, and instead of echoing the result, check the most recent database entry against the currently playing song, and if it is different, add a new record.
First, some SQL to set up a new table:
ID int primary key auto_increment not null,
Song char(255) not null,
PlayTime Datetime not null
Then, modify your PHP script to insert records in the database instead of echoing to the screen:
$song = get_song(); //not sure how you're doing that
$sql = "SELECT Song FROM SongList ORDER BY PlayTime DESC LIMIT 1";
list($prevSong) = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($sql));
if ($song !== $prevSong) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO SongList (Song, PlayTime) VALUES ('$song', NOW())";
Set up a scheduled task or a cron job to run php -f z1035.php
every minute.
To see the entire list of songs, create a new php file station_history.php
$sql = "SELECT Song, PlayTime FROM SongList LIMIT 20"; // Just the last 20 songs
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while(list($song, $playtime) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
echo "[$playtime] $song\n";