Further to my adventures with Erlang and ErlyDB. I am attempting to get ErlyDB working with BeepBeep
My ErlyDB setup works correctly when run outside of the BeepBeep environment (see Debugging ErlyDB and MySQL). I have basically take the working code and attempted to get it running inside BeepBeep.
I have the following code in my controller:
handle_request("index",[]) ->
NewThing = thing:new_with([{name, "name"},{value, "value"}]),
{render,"home/index.html",[{data,"Hello World!"}]};
When I call the URL, the response outputs "Server Error". There is no other error or exception information reported.
I have tried wrapping the call in try/catch to see if there is an underlying error - there is definitely an exception at the call to thing:new_with(), but no further information is available.
The stacktrace reports: