I have a canvas tag, I use it draw lines on that, the canvas is a square. I use "space" to record the space between two lines. and I have canvasWidth and canvasHight to record the canvas size, actually, they are the same numnber....320
var x=0;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
x = parseInt(x + space);
myCanvas.fillStyle = "rgb(200,0,0)";
myCanvas.fillRect(x, 1, 1, canvasHeight);
myCanvas.fillStyle = "rgb(0,200,0)";
myCanvas.fillRect(1, x, canvasWidth, 1);
I can use the draw all the red lines on the canvas, but the green lines only can draw two on the canvas, other just can't appear, I used try {}catch , and it is no error disappear.