You mentioned discarding the idea of conditional compilation because of potential cascading invalidations - there is an approach that is somewhat similar if you're willing to touch the PL/SQL source where logging/tracing is needed that doesn't involve recompilation to enable.
You can still add a name/value pair of your own choosing to PLSQL_CCFLAGS and have your application code do a relatively lightweight query of v$parameter to determine if logging is "turned on". The crudest implementation would be one name/value pair, but you could extend this to have different pairs that would be module-specific so logging could be turned on with a finer granularity.
Here's a very simple example in response to your comment/request - you'll obviously want to be more sophisticated in parsing the PLSQL_CCFLAGS string in case it has other existing info, perhaps wrap into a function, etc.:
create or replace procedure ianc_cc
cc_flag_val varchar2(4000);
-- need direct select grant on v_$parameter for this...
select value into cc_flag_val
from v$parameter where name = 'plsql_ccflags';
if (cc_flag_val = 'custom_logging:true') then
dbms_output.put_line('custom logging is on');
dbms_output.put_line('custom logging is off');
end if;
Now, as a user privileged to issue ALTER SYSTEM:
ALTER SYSTEM set PLSQL_CCFLAGS='custom_logging:true';
and toggle back by: