




I have a sql file test.sql used to run some SQL (create object / update / delete / insert) that can look like this

    CREATE TABLE test_dbi1 (
    test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15)
  , test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100);

UPDATE mytable 
SET col1=1;

   CREATE TABLE test_dbi2 (
    test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15)
  , test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100);

Usually, i would just use SQLPLUS (from within Perl) to execute this test.sql using this command : @test.sql

Is there a way to do the same thing, using DBI in Perl ? So far, i found DBI can only execute one statement at a time, and without the ";" at the end.

+3  A: 

The database controls how many statements can be executed at a time. I can't remember if Oracle allows multiple statements per prepare or not (MySQL does). Try this:

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
        ChopBlanks       => 1,
        AutoCommit       => 1,
        RaiseError       => 1,
        PrintError       => 1,
        FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc',
    CREATE TABLE test_dbi1 (
        test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15),
        test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100)

    UPDATE mytable 
        SET col1=1;

    CREATE TABLE test_dbi2 (
        test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15),
        test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100)


Of course, you get better error handling if you break the statements up. You can use a simple parser to break the string up into individual statements:


use strict;
use warnings;

my $sql = "
    CREATE TABLE test_dbi1 (
        test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15),
        test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100)

    UPDATE mytable
        SET col1=';yes;'
        WHERE col2=1;

    UPDATE mytable
        SET col1='Don\\'t use ;s and \\'s together, it is a pain'
        WHERE col2=1;

    CREATE TABLE test_dbi2 (
        test_dbi_intr_no    NUMBER(15),
        test_dbi_name       VARCHAR2(100)

my @statements = ("");
#split the string into interesting pieces (i.e. tokens):
#   ' delimits strings
#   \ pass on the next character if inside a string
#   ; delimits statements unless it is in a string
#   and anything else
# NOTE: the grep { ord } is to get rid of the nul
# characters the split seems to be adding
my @tokens     = grep { ord } split /([\\';])/, $sql; 
# NOTE: this ' fixes the stupid SO syntax highlighter
#this is true if we are in a string and should ignore ; 
my $in_string  = 0;
my $escape     = 0;
#while there are still tokens to process
while (@tokens) {
    #grab the next token
    my $token = shift @tokens;
    #if we are in a string
    if ($in_string) {
        #add the token to the last statement
        $statements[-1] .= $token;
        #setup the escape if the token is \
        if ($token eq "\\") {
                $escape = 1;
        #turn off $in_string if the token is ' and it isn't escaped
        $in_string = 0 if not $escape and $token eq "'";
        $escape = 0; #turn off escape if it was on
        #loop again to get the next token

    #if the token is ; and we aren't in a string
    if ($token eq ';') {
        #create a new statement
        push @statements, "";
        #loop again to get the next token
    #add the token to the last statement
    $statements[-1] .= $token;
    #if the token is ' then turn on $in_string
    $in_string = 1 if $token eq "'";
#only keep statements that are not blank
@statements = grep { /\S/ } @statements;

for my $i (0 .. $#statements) {
    print "statement $i:\n$statements[$i]\n\n";
Chas. Owens
unfortunately, this doesnt work, i get the "ORA-00911: invalid character" because of the ";"The thing is, i have this test.sql file, and i need a way to load it into Oracle using DBI. The only way around, is to break it up like you say. But since i ll never know exactly what will be in this file, how can i break it up ?If i split the file using the ";" that might cause problems if i have an update like that :UPDATE mytable SET col1=';yes;' WHERE col2=1;
That is Oracle complaining, not Perl. I am not particularly surprised that Oracle doesn't allow multiple statements. They are dangerous and allow certain forms of SQL injection attacks.
Chas. Owens
Thanks for the little script to breakup the statements. Works great !
Oops. I missed a gotcha: '\'', I should have a better version in a moment.
Chas. Owens
+2  A: 

Oracle can run multiple SQL statements in one prepare using an anonymous PL/SQL block.


      UPDATE table_1 SET col_a = col_a -1;
      DELETE FROM table_2 where id in (select id from table_1 where col_a = 0);

DDL (creating or dropping objects) is more complicated, mostly because it is something you shouldn't be doing on an ad-hoc basis.

true, but as you say, DDL are more complicated, and we need them (it is for an automated installation script).

You may add yet another layer of logic in Perl which parses the SQL script, splits it into statements and execute it one by one using the technique above

   --sql file
   -- [statement1]

   -- [statement2]

#Gets queries from file.
sub sql_q {
     my ($self) = @_;
     return $self->{sql_q} if $self->{sql_q};
     my $file = $self->{sql_queries_file};

     $self->{sql_q} || do {
         -e $file || croak( 'Queries file ' . $file . ' can not be found.' );
         my $fh = IO::File->new("< $file");
         my @lines;
         ( $fh->binmode and @lines = $fh->getlines and $fh->close ) or croak $!;

         my ($key);
         foreach ( 0 .. @lines - 1 ) {
             next if ( $lines[$_] =~ /^;/ );
             if ( $lines[$_] =~ /^--\s*?\[(\w+)\]/ ) {
                 $key = $1;
             $self->{sql_q}{$key} .= $lines[$_] if $key;
     return $self->{sql_q};
 #then in your script
 #foreach statement something like

Please, have a look at this new CPAN module: DBIx::MultiStatementDo

It has been conceived precisely for that.
