




I am using List in one of my report. My list is having a detail grouping on a field , and controls like subreports. NOw my requirement changed a bit and i need to have an outer group to the group what i have now and a page break on the outer group. How do i do this , i tried using the same list , couldn't get an idea how to create an inner and outer grouping. Is that i have to go for nested list?. outer list having an outer grouping and the inner list having an inner grouping.

Please quide me on this.

Thanks in advance, San

+2  A: 

You're guess is correct.

You'll then need to add another List control to the report. Drag the existing List control into the new control. Under the properties for the new List control go to "Edit details group" and add to needed column to the "Group on". Next select either "Page break at start" or "Page break at end" to add the page breaks. The rest of the report design will determine which is most appropriate.

The answer assumes that the value for the outer group is already in the dataset for the existing list. If the assumption is incorrect, you'll need to add the column into the dataset.


Excellent response, StrateSQL...thanks!
