the only way to do this is to use cflap and query the active directory server to get a list of groups. after you've gotten the list, you will need to parse it to see if that user belongs to the group in question. below is some code i wrote with some comments for the people at work. values have been changed to protect the innocent.
<!--- getting the user login id --->
<cfset variables.thisuser = ListLast(cgi.AUTH_USER, "\")>
<!--- this is the group they must be a memberof --->
<cfset variables.groupname = "CN=<the group to search for>">
<!--- list of all groups that the user belongs to, will be populated later --->
<cfset variables.grouplist = "">
<cfldap action="query"
start="OU=<your ou>,DC=<your dc>,DC=<your dc>"
server="<your AD server ip>"
port="<your AD server port>"
username="<network login if required>"
password="<network password if required>">
<cfset variables.grouplist = myldap.memberOf>
<cfif FindNoCase(variables.groupname, variables.grouplist)>
<cfcookie name="SecurityCookieName" value="">