Hi all, I'm having some trouble figuring out how to position a paragraph and link within a container div, it is illustrated in the code following the explanations. So basically, there are a overall container (#container) that contains an arbitrary number of divs (.c). In each of the individual divs, there are a paragraph and a link. I would like no matter how long the paragraph is, the link will always float on top right corner of the each individual divs. However, currently it is displaying the link on the top right corner of the next div for some reason...
If anyone can help me resolve this and perhaps enlighten me on this matter it would be greatly appreciated!
<style type="text/css">
<div id="container">
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<div class="c"><p>Some text here asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asd fasd fsa dfsa df asdf sadf sa dfa sdf sadf asd fsa df sadf asdf asdf asd fas df asdf as </p><a href="delete.php">X</a></div>