



I have a web form that takes 2 string values and 2 integer values from a user and stores them in a database.

How can I ensure that the ints are actually ints and sanitze input so that Bobby Tables doesn't pay me a visit?

Here is my forms code:

    $formTitle = $_POST['title'];
    $formAuthor = $_POST['author'];
    $formPagecount = $_POST["pagecount"];
    $formCurrentpage = $_POST["currentpage"]; 

<form method="post" action="index.php">
 Title: <input type="text" size="25" maxlength="250" name="title" />
 Author: <input type="text" size="25" maxlength="250" name="author" />
 Page Count: <input type="text" size="25" maxlength="25" name="pagecount" />
 Current Page: <input type="text" size="25" maxlength="25" name="currentpage" />
 <br />
 <input type="submit" value="Add new book" name="submit" />
+3  A: 

Sanitizing the inputs to the database can be done with prepared statements

You can check data types in php using the various type checking functions

I do agree with alberge below - prepared statements can seem a little complex when you first start working with them, but they are easy when you finally get the hang of them and they can save a lot of headaches once you know your way around them

check out this tutorial:


The only safe ways to check if user input data only consists of digits are (1) to use regular expressions or (2) use the ctype-extension (preferable).

if (ctype_digit($_POST['pagecount'])) {
    // ...

If you insert integer values into your database you don't have to escape them but make sure they really are integers (cast them); for strings you should use mysql_real_escape_string but it is never wrong (but usually better) to use prepared statements.

By the way: It's not safe to check for the submit-button because IE <= 6 only sends it if it's clicked to submit the form (not if the form is submitted via the enter key).

Till Theis

PDO and its prepared statements will save you headaches, even if they look more complex at first. For integers you can use intval($input), but keep in mind that PHP will -- in its infinite wisdom -- turn non-numeric input into 0.

+1  A: 

There are several things you may want to check / do :

  • Verify the form has been submitted : isset on the $_POST component will help
  • Chechking your data are "valid" :
    • did the user enter data in each field ?
    • do the required field contain data ?
    • don't forget to trim before checking, so a field containing " " doesn't count as a field with data in it
  • Chechking your data is actually the way you want :
    • do the title and author contain strings ? Longer than X characters ? Short that Y characters ? Any "fordibben" character or value ?
    • do the two other fields contain numeric data ? Positive ? Only numbers (nothing like 3E5 or the like) Not bigger than what you consider as OK ?

There are frameworks that can help you with all that.
For instance :

(The more you re-use existing great code, the better for your application, I'd say : less risk to introduce bugs with your new, un-tested, code ;-) )

Once you made sure your data is OK, you can insert it into the database.
Which means you must escape it properly.
Depending on the functions / classes you're using, you'll take a look at

Finally, if the data was not successfully validated, you may want to re-echo the form, with the fields already containing what the user typed in the first time.

There, you need to escape data to HTML format, to avoid XSS. Take a look at htmlspecialchars

Same thing, btw, if you want to display those data on another screen somewhere else in your application...