




Hello everyone,

Last time I asked a question here, I got tons of great ideas on how to solve a particular problem. Like I explained last time, programming is just something I love to do, but it's not something I studied in school, so I have no proper methods of doing things. I'm an Electrical Engineer struggling through a recession doing some programming gigs here and there.

Currently I'm working for a company doing VoIP. The software they bought lacks in many important features other system have, so I decided to start building a few tools that will allow me to do these missing things.

One of the things I consider to be very important is finding out the MAX LOAD of CALLS in a particular given time (maximum number of simultaneous calls). For example, I want to know the maximum simultaneous phone calls on August 3rd.

Now, luckyly for me, this software stores all it's information on a MySQL database, so I have a table with ALL the calls since the system first started running.

The "Calls" table has 2 files called "call_start" and "call end", and they are type "datetime".

Based on this information, I would like to figure out how I could query the database and find out what was the highest number of active calls simultaneously in a time frame specified by me.

I'm working with C# mostly, so ideas using C# would be welcomed. I'm not sure if it could be done exclusively in MySQL, but that would also work.

Thanks everyone for the help.

+1  A: 

There was a similar question posed on SO a while ago, take a look: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1117004/find-number-of-concurrent-users-in-a-sql-records/1117165#1117165

I hope this works on Mysql too.

Thanks for the answer, I will check that question out.

Not the most efficient way to do it, but this will give you a count per hour (for today), including all calls that start and end within that hour.

select hour(call_start),count(*) from calls 
where call_end <= hour(call_start) and date(call_start) = date(now())
group by hour(call_start);
Thanks for the answer, not what I was looking for but I appreciate it nonetheless.
+1  A: 

I looked at the similar question and didn't see a simple answer. Basically, you want to know how many calls there are every time a call starts. The following would work

create temporary table starts (call_started time);
insert into starts select distinct call_started from calls;

select starts.call_started, count(*)
  from starts, calls
  where starts.call_started >= calls.call_started and starts.call_started <= calls.call_ended
  group by starts.call_started
  order by count(*) desc;

If you only wanted the max load, just add "LIMIT 1" to the final query. If you want to graph the results, just sort by start time instead.

To fully meet the original question, you need to add a where clause to the INSERT statement.
Hey, that looks simple enough. Thanks. Is there a way of doing this from a single table, without having to create a new table with the "call_start" data?
Everything I tried to do it without the temp table either didn't work, or was immensely more complicated.
What about putting the "select distinct ..." in the FROM clause, e.g. "... from calls, (select distinct call_started from calls) starts where ..."
Harold L