





I have gVim (with: NERDTree, minibufexpl). Right now, I can edit files locally with IDE-like feel with NERDTree for a file explorer and minibuf for tabs.

However, I am used to editing files on dummy server I have set up at home. I use Zend Studio to edit files through FTP. Is this feature available in Vim? If so, does it "integrate" well with NERDTree? I would like to browse my FTP directory using NERDTree.

Thank you, Wenbert

+3  A: 

You can edit files remotely over ftp or sftp or scp or whatnot with vim:

vim ftp://user@host/some/file

Of course, this also works with tabs. Don't know about minibuf, though.

Unfortunately, the NERDTree plugin does not seem to support this. However, the :Explore command plays along just nicely.

Of course, you could simply use FTPFS to mount a remote directory and work with that as if it was local storage.

Mapping the remote directory to my machine as if it was a local storage should work for me. Thanks!