



Is there a way in Linq to Sql (.net 3.5) to specify that when you get the children of a particular record, to force the list of children to come back in a specific order?

For example, I have a list that has a "DisplayOrder" on it. When I ask my parent record/object for it's property that returns to me this list, I want Linq to Sql to retrieve for me the records, but ordered by "DisplayOrder".

Is it possible to do this without always writing something like:

MyObject.Children.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayOrder);

An idea off the top of my head is to create a partial class for my object and add an "OrderedChildren" property that encapsulates this call. Wondering though, if there isn't something I can specify in the dbml to force this.

+3  A: 

The DataLoadOptions.AssociateWith() method will filter all objects for a certain relationship. This includes Where(), OrderBy(), ThenBy(), OrderByDescending(), ThenByDescending(), and Take().

You can use this within a partial method in your DataContext like the following:

partial class ExampleDataContext
    partial void OnCreated()
        DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
        dlo.AssociateWith<MyObject>(i => i.Children.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayOrder));
        LoadOptions = dlo;

You'll want to make sure the LoadOptions are never overwritten prior to running other queries.

Ryan Versaw
Was asking if there is a way I can manipulate the dbml to perform this action every time I load the child records for "MyObject". Sort of setting the default loading sort order.
This may not be directly within the dbml, but it should take care of your issue now. There may be a way of making sure this only happens when querying the `MyObjects` table, but I haven't found it yet.
Ryan Versaw