How do controllers know which views to return? I thought it was by naming convention, but I have seen instances, for example in the Nerd Dinner application, where the names don't match. Where or how do I see this mapping? Thanks.
public class EmployeesController
public ViewResult Index()
return View("CustomerName");
Will search for:
That's pretty much it..
When you just return View(); without specifying a name, it searched for the view with the same name as the controlleraction. In this case, Index.aspx
It is based on the name of the Action in the Controller. Here's an example:
I have a controller named UserController.
One of my actions on that controller is named Index.
When I say return View();
It will look in the Views directory, in the User folder, for Index.aspx or Index.ascx
It will also look in the Shared folder.
There are three ways to specify a view name.
By Convention
public ActionResult MyAction {
return View()
That will look for a view with the name of the action method, aka "MyAction.ascx" or "MyAction.aspx"
** By Name **
public ActionResult MyAction {
return View("MyViewName")
This will look for a view named "MyViewName.ascx" or "MyViewName.aspx".
** By application path **
public ActionResult MyAction {
return View("~/AnyFolder/MyViewName.ascx")
This last one only looks in this one place, the place you specified.