



I have a WPF application, that is sometimes freezing for maybe a half minute and then works fine. I am thinking to profile that application. Anybody knows a good tutorial of how to profile WPF application? Or anybody has any idea on finding a way to know when it is freezing? The freezing is not consistent, and not related to any usage pattern

Thanks for help.


+4  A: 

There is a toolset in the Windows SDK called WPFPerf - it has a set of tools (like Perforator) that help specifically with WPF debugging and profiling. Here's a quick guide on these tools.

For general .net profiling, RedGate Ants or JetBrains' dotTrace are great. There is also some profiling included in Visual Studio 2005/2008 (and better ones in 2010?).

Philip Rieck

Profiling is overkill. During that half minute, it's waiting for something. Just pause it and see what it's waiting for.

Mike Dunlavey
While I agree that this is a good technique to use in general, I disagree that it is always caused by an infinite loop. There could be blocking going on by some API waiting for a resource. There's a lot of reasons your UI could freeze that are not related to an infinite loop. I only say this just to make sure no one goes on a wild goose chase.
Anderson Imes
@Anderson: OK, I re-worded it to take out the "nearly infinite loop" part. The principle is the same. During that half minute, it's in a state in which it is waiting for something, after which it will resume useful work. Just pause it, and you'll see what it's waiting for, whether it's a low-level loop, getting a resource, whatever. People think this is hard, and it's not.
Mike Dunlavey