Does some resource of Audit exist in SubSonic?
It has the built in CreatedOn, CreatedBy, ModifiedOn, and ModifiedBy columns that you would just need to add to your table. For further audit capabilities I would suggest writing triggers.
With 3.x using the LinqTemplates or in 2.2 using RepositoryRecord, you can write a repository base class and then add auditing in derived repository classes. I demonstrated how to use a repository base class on my blog (for 2.2).
I am using the version 2.2 of the subsonic
I added the columns CreatedBy, CreatedOn, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn in the database
I altered the command () for my_table.Save(Membership.GetUser(true).ToString())
When it executes an insert the fields they are correctly update.
But when it executes an update the fields ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn is not modified.
What to do to correct?