



Is it possible using XSD to restrinct node names to enumeration, and then based on this enumeration add another restrictions?

In example, I have this xml:

    <b name="string" value="hello">
    <b name="integer" value="123">

I want "b" nodes have name attribute from enumeration { "string", "integer" }. Then if it's "string" I want that "value" attribute to be type of xs:string, and if it's "integer" I want that "value" attribute to be type of xs:integer.

+1  A: 

You can do certain limit, e.g. you can limit that the values of your name attribute come from a given list - but you cannot express these kind of relations between "if name is string, then the type of value must be xs:string" in the XML schema.

You'll have to either use some other technique (like Schematron), or check this in your app code.


Thanks for the response. I'll look closer to schematron.

No. But you're treating name like a type - and XML Schema does have some support for the complexType of an element being determined by a string value. However, you have to use the attribute name "xsi:type" in your XML document, so it would look like this:

    <b xsi:type="string" value="hello">
    <b xsi:type="integer" value="123">

That's the best that XML Schema can do I'm afraid. More details in the official primer (which can be pretty confusing, unfortunately):

+1  A: 

No. You can't do this in XSD. In essence, you have 2 <b>s with different types. This violates the Element Consistency rule.

You have a few options,

  1. Enforce the rules outside schema, in your application. This is what I will do.
  2. Use a validation language like Schematron, as mentioned by others.
  3. Switch to a more powerful schema language like Relax NG.
ZZ Coder
Just as I thougth. Thanks for your answer.