If your CSS doesn't vary greatly, you could do as I did and have the CSS randomly generated each time the page is loaded
function mutate() {
var font = new Array();
font[0] = 'monospace';
font[1] = 'arial';
font[2] = 'verdana';
font[3] = 'trebuchet-ms';
font[4] = 'lucida grande';
font[5] = 'calibri';
font[6] = 'bitstream charter';
font[7] = 'liberation sans';
font[8] = 'Mona';
font[9]= 'MS Pgothic';
font[11]= 'helvetica';
font[11]= 'Dejavu sans';
var whichbfont = Math.floor(Math.random()*(font.length));
/* Random bgcolor maker */
function bgcolour() {
var bred = Math.floor(128+Math.random()*128);
var bgreen = Math.floor(128+Math.random()*128);
var bblue = Math.floor(128+Math.random()*128);
return 'rgb('+bred+', '+bgreen+', '+bblue+')';
var bgcolor = bgcolour();
/* Random bgcolor maker */
function bcolour() {
var red = Math.floor(Math.random()*128);
var green = Math.floor(Math.random()*128);
var blue = Math.floor(Math.random()*128);
return 'rgb('+red+', '+green+', '+blue+')';
var bcolor = bcolour;
document.write ('<style type=\"text/css\">'+
'b,a \n'+
'{font-family: '+font[whichbfont]+' !important; color: '+bcolor+' !important;}\n'+
'body {background-color: '+bgcolor+';!important}\n'+
Except yours would obviously be tailored to suit your own site.