Hi all - I'm learning TDD and the MVP pattern. I've created a simple WinForms app that's like a replacement for the TOAD SQL tool. I'm trying to go back and write tests now for the code I've already written (which I know isn't the correct process for TDD, but please bear with me). In my test class for the form, I want to test the concrete Presenter, but mock out the WinForm as the presenter has real logic in it that should be tested. However, when I mock the view using Moq, I'm not seeing expected results. In the code below, the first 2 tests PASS, but the 3rd FAILS on the first Assert. When I attach the debugger to NUnit and run, the Environment property isn't set to Environments.Test when presenter.IsDangerousSQL is called:
private Mock<IQueryForm> mockWindow;
private QueryFormPresenter presenter;
/// <summary>
/// Runs ONCE prior to any tests running
/// </summary>
public void TestFixtureSetUp()
//We're interested in testing the QueryFormPresenter class here, but we
//don't really care about the QueryForm window (view) since there is hardly any code in it.
//Therefore, we create a mock of the QueryForm view, and pass it to the QueryFormPresenter to use.
mockWindow = new Mock<IQueryForm>();
presenter = new QueryFormPresenter(mockWindow.Object);
public void User_Can_Execute_Selects_From_Any_Environment()
Assert.AreEqual(false, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("select 1"));
public void User_Cant_Execute_Schema_SQL_On_Any_Environment()
Assert.AreEqual(true, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("alter table"));
Assert.AreEqual(true, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("DrOp table"));
//Updates, Deletes and Selects are allowed in Test, but not in Production
public void User_Can_Only_Execute_Updates_Or_Deletes_Against_Test()
//mockWindow.SetupSet(w => w.Environment = Environments.Test);
mockWindow.Object.Environment = Environments.Test;
Assert.AreEqual(false, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("update "));
Assert.AreEqual(false, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("delete "));
//mockWindow.SetupSet(w => w.Environment = Environments.Production);
//mockWindow.Object.Environment = Environments.Test;
Assert.AreEqual(true, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("update "));
Assert.AreEqual(true, presenter.IsDangerousSQL("delete "));
I greatly appreciate any insights anyone can offer! And also, should the IsDangerousSQL method actually be in a Model class since it represents business logic rather than directly reacting to a user action?