



I am using ASP.MVC 1 to return an IEnumerable of objects (say, Cars):

public class Car : Entity<Car>
    public virtual string Make { get; set; }
    public virtual double Length { get; set; }
    public virtual string Colour { get; set; }

like this:

public JsonResult GetRoutes()
    IEnumerable<Car> cars = _carTask.GetCars();
    return Json(cars);

In my page, I want to iterate over each car returned, so I have this:

$.post("/Home/GetCars", null, 
         alert("type of object returned is " + typeof cars + ", content is " + cars);
         $.each(routes, function()

When I run this, the first alert box says:

type of object is string, content is [{"Make":"BMW"}, {"Make":"Ford"}]

Which tells me I am getting a string back (shouldn't i get an object back?), containing a Json structure with 2 objects. However the jquery $.each function then proceeds to iterate over each char in the string, so I get 46 alert boxes: the first says '[', then '{', then '"', then 'M', then 'a', then 'k'... you get the idea.

From what I have read, jQuery should be parsing this as a collection, and should iterate only twice to show me to alerts, one for each car. I could then do alert(car.Make) to display the makes, but if I try that I get undefined (because a string doesnt have a Make property).

What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help, there must be an obvious error but i promise I have done plenty of googling first and came up with nothing! :)

+3  A: 

Try adding the type "json" as the last parameter in your $.post() method. Also, I think you can simplify your each statement:

$.post("/Home/GetCars", null, 
         $(cars).each(function() {
             alert(this); //this should point to the car. 
Nick Riggs
Thanks, this did the trick!
James Allen
+1  A: 

You forgot to tell jquery to interpret the results as json. By default $.post just returns a string of the data. You can use one of the following options. Then when you iterate they'll be objects.

Or add "json" as the last parameter to post

Sean Clark Hess
You got the same answer as Nick but he got there first so I marked his as the answer :( Thanks for your reply!
James Allen

link text

$.post("/Home/GetCars", null, 
         $.each(cars, function() {
andres descalzo
Thanks I was missing the "json" (Tried once, didn't work, then I re-read the replies and realised I had it in the wrong place, after the $.each call)
James Allen