



I have been able to work the Date Picker into JQGrid when editing inline, but I am unable to use it inside the add/edit window. Does anyone have instructions on how to do this or an example I can look at?

demo from that site of what I am trying to do:

I read that I could use the following method but not sure how to integrate it:

dataInit : function (elem) { $(elem).datepicker(); }

+1  A: 

It looks like they are using 'afterShowForm' to attach a date/color picker to a div.
(view source)

         afterShowForm:function(){   $("#jsrs").load("/demo/apples/jsrs"); },
         onclickSubmit:function() {  $("#jsrs").empty(); }

(view source)

//Js for colorPicker
    onSubmit: function(hsb, hex, rgb) {
    onBeforeShow: function () {
}).bind('keyup', function(){

//Js for datePicker
    date: $('#date').val(),
    current: $('#date').val(),
    starts: 1,
    position: 'bottom',
    onBeforeShow: function(){
     $('#date').DatePickerSetDate($('#date').val(), true);
    onChange: function(formated, dates){

Thanks for finding this example, I was looking for how to do this as well.

Thank you, it is slowly coming together, the jsrs code is being triggered when the window opens but I am just getting the "$("#appointment").DatePicker is not a function" (I changed the instances of #date to #appointment since that is the id of the desired field)All the needed scripts/ui are there to get it working outside of the popup, Is there something I need to do that I might be missing? Thank You!!
Oh I just needed "datepicker" instead of "DatePicker" THANKS!

Adding datepicker is an easy task:

colModel: [
  ... other column definitions ...
    name:'my_date', index:'my_date', label: 'Date', width: 80,
    editable: true, edittype: 'text',
    editoptions: {
      size: 10, maxlengh: 10,
      dataInit: function(element) {
        $(element).datepicker({dateFormat: ''})
  ... other column definitions ...

Of couse, instead of .datepicker you can use any plugin like colorpicker or autocomplete.

Best regards

-1, You have several errors in there... and that code doesn't seem to even work after fixing the errors

Hi... I tried this but its not working for me.. can you please write done the complete functionality that displays how to integrate it with jsrc element....


Use this code to add datepicker to create/edit dialog:

                { edit: true, add: true, del: true, search: true }, //options
                    onInitializeForm: function() {
                    onClose: function() {
                       //if you close dialog when the datepicker is shown