



I have a console app that I want to run continually in the background. I thought that if I started it up and then told it to wait things would work. But when I have it wait, it freezes the application.

Here is my code:

class Program { static public ManualResetEvent StopMain;

    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Hide the cursor.
        Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

        StopMain = new ManualResetEvent(false);

        RunHook runHook = new RunHook();

        // wait until signalled by Program.StopMain.Set();


class RunHook
    private HookKeys hook;
    public RunHook()
        hook = new HookKeys();
        hook.HookEvent += EventForHook;

    private void EventForHook(HookEventArgs e, KeyBoardInfo keyBoardInfo, 
      ref Boolean handled)
        if ((keyBoardInfo.scanCode == 4) && (keyBoardInfo.vkCode == 114))
            handled = true;

Any ideas on how to have this run in the background but never terminate?

+2  A: 

The behavior you see is expected. You have one thread, and it's in a wait state. To get some form of activity, you have to let the scheduler actually do something. A background thread is one way to achieve this:

static void Main(string[] args)    
    StopMain = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    bool exit = false;

    new Thread(
            new RunHook(); 
            while(!exit) { Thread.Sleep(1); }                 

    exit = true;

Another is to just let the primary thread yield:

static void Main(string[] args)    
    StopMain = new ManualResetEvent(false);

    RunHook runHook = new RunHook(); 


There are certainly other ways, too. Personally I'd do neither of these. Instead I'd add a blocking method to the RunHook class and have it return when it was done or signalled.

thanks for your answer. Normally I would agree about doing none of these. But I am trying to disable the phone buttons on our devices, so I never want this to return (never, ever).I will give these a try and see how they do.
Alas, I tried both of these methods and they did not work. When the RunHook class had an event called it froze the system.