Have I stumbled upon implementation-defined behavior?
Here is the context:
public class GenericClass<T>
public class NestedGenericClass<U>
public void GenericMethod<K>()
Here's the behavior. This unit test passes as written. My actual questions are listed as the comment before the "wacky" (as it seems to me now) behavior.
public void TestNestedGenericMethod()
Type openType = typeof(GenericClass<>.NestedGenericClass<>);
Type closedType = typeof(GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<int>);
/* Note there is absolutely no representation of the following as a [unique] type, via the
* typeof operator or the Reflection API, even though the metadata TypeSpec signature
* should in theory be able to reference it. This is the original reason I wrote these
* tests.
* Type partiallyOpenType = typeof(GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<>);
MethodInfo openTypeOpenMethod = openType.GetMethod("GenericMethod");
MethodInfo closedTypeOpenMethod = closedType.GetMethod("GenericMethod");
MethodInfo closedTypeClosedMethod = closedTypeOpenMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(long));
Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeOpenMethod);
Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod);
Assert.AreNotSame(closedTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod);
/* What on earth?!
* 1. Is the following covered in the CLI spec and/or is it implementation-defined?
* 2. Is there any potential use of this behavior (inside the runtime itself OR outside)?
* 3. Will I ever hit a MethodDefSig (§23.2.1)/MethodRefSig (§23.2.2)/MethodSpecSig (§23.2.15) that resolves to this?
MethodInfo openTypeClosedMethod = openTypeOpenMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(long));
Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeClosedMethod, openTypeOpenMethod);
Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeClosedMethod, closedTypeOpenMethod);
Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeClosedMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod);
Assert.AreSame(closedTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition());
Assert.AreSame(openTypeOpenMethod, openTypeClosedMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition());