



Have I stumbled upon implementation-defined behavior?

Here is the context:

public class GenericClass<T>
    public class NestedGenericClass<U>
        public void GenericMethod<K>()

Here's the behavior. This unit test passes as written. My actual questions are listed as the comment before the "wacky" (as it seems to me now) behavior.

public void TestNestedGenericMethod()
    Type openType = typeof(GenericClass<>.NestedGenericClass<>);
    Type closedType = typeof(GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<int>);
    /* Note there is absolutely no representation of the following as a [unique] type, via the
     * typeof operator or the Reflection API, even though the metadata TypeSpec signature
     * should in theory be able to reference it. This is the original reason I wrote these
     * tests.
     *   Type partiallyOpenType = typeof(GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<>);

    MethodInfo openTypeOpenMethod = openType.GetMethod("GenericMethod");
    MethodInfo closedTypeOpenMethod = closedType.GetMethod("GenericMethod");
    MethodInfo closedTypeClosedMethod = closedTypeOpenMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(long));


    Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeOpenMethod);
    Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod);
    Assert.AreNotSame(closedTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod);

    /* What on earth?!
     *  1. Is the following covered in the CLI spec and/or is it implementation-defined?
     *  2. Is there any potential use of this behavior (inside the runtime itself OR outside)?
     *  3. Will I ever hit a MethodDefSig (§23.2.1)/MethodRefSig (§23.2.2)/MethodSpecSig (§23.2.15) that resolves to this?
    MethodInfo openTypeClosedMethod = openTypeOpenMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(long));
    Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeClosedMethod, openTypeOpenMethod);
    Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeClosedMethod, closedTypeOpenMethod);
    Assert.AreNotSame(openTypeClosedMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod);

    Assert.AreSame(closedTypeOpenMethod, closedTypeClosedMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition());
    Assert.AreSame(openTypeOpenMethod, openTypeClosedMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition());

This is not so strange:

//void GenericClass<>.NestedGenericClass<>.GenericMethod<Int64>()
openTypeClosedMethod.ContainsGenericParameters = true
openTypeClosedMethod.IsGenericMethodDefinition = false

//void GenericClass<>.NestedGenericClass<>.GenericMethod<K>()
openTypeOpenMethod.ContainsGenericParameters = true
openTypeOpenMethod.IsGenericMethodDefinition = true

//void GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<int>.GenericMethod<K>()
closedTypeOpenMethod.ContainsGenericParameters = true
closedTypeOpenMethod.IsGenericMethodDefinition = true

//void GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<int>.GenericMethod<Int64>()
closedTypeClosedMethod.ContainsGenericParameters = false
closedTypeClosedMethod.IsGenericMethodDefinition = false

MethodInfo closedGeneratedMethod = closedTypeClosedMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition();
MethodInfo openGeneratedMethod = openTypeClosedMethod.GetGenericMethodDefinition();

//void GenericClass<bool>.NestedGenericClass<int>.GenericMethod<K>()
closedGeneratedMethod.ContainsGenericParameters = true
closedGeneratedMethod.IsGenericMethodDefinition = true

//void GenericClass<>.NestedGenericClass<>.GenericMethod<K>()
openGeneratedMethod.ContainsGenericParameters = true
openGeneratedMethod.IsGenericMethodDefinition = true

Just compare all combinations from asserts.

P.S. You missed

Assert.AreNotSame(closedTypeOpenMethod, openTypeOpenMethod);
1) I didn't miss that case (it's parameters are reversed but I have it). 2) None of those checks are remarkable after the ones in my post, however I will be adding them plus more because they are important to the API. 3) You didn't answer any of my 3 questions, all of which refer to the fact that the .NET Framework implementation of ECMA-335 allows closed generic method within an open generic type. I'm working on my own implementation of the standard for fun, and I'm trying to figure out if I have to support that case or not. :)
Okay, sorry for the 'unremarkable' post. The CLI nowhere explicitly forbids closed generic methods within an open generic type. It defines relations between a generic method and its declaring type, as well as nested generic types. The CLI only forbids partially constructed types, and instantiating open types, so I guess the method wouldn't be of much use, at least for instance methods. As for MethodDefSig and others, why don't you try emitting it to a dynamic assembly and analyzing from disk?