



Hello everyone,

I am currently using Reporting Service of SQL Server 2008, and I think the user interface is not very elegant. And I want to use Silverlight as user interface to render reporting service backend data. Two questions,

  1. Is it possible? Reporting Service exposes interface which Silverlight could retrieve data and render?

  2. I am looking for some cool Demos, better free with source codes, which could dynamically show different kinds of charts, curves on coordinates based on the data retrieved by some data source (e.g. Reporting Service).

thanks in advance, George

+1  A: 

Dundas just add new silverlight add-on features which lets you integrate Dundas Chart into your silverlight applications. See silverlight add-on demo here

FYI, Dundas Data Visualization is now acquired by Microsoft for its SQL Server Reporting Service 2008 charting controls. So, Microsoft Chart control is based on Dundas Chart source code.

Anwar Chandra
Very cool, a further question -- what is the pros and cons compared of using Silverlight chart control v.s. ASP.Net chart control?
Since I never use the silverlight add-on, I can't tell.
Anwar Chandra
+1  A: 

Well, not SSRS but rocks:

Free to use, SL based chart library, pretty impressing (good demos, you can even create charts there on the fly).

Cheers Braulio

What is the pros and cons compared of using Silverlight chart control v.s. ASP.Net chart control?
+2  A: 

This will give you a pretty good idea of what can be done using the Silverlight Toolkit:

Very cool, a further question -- what is the pros and cons compared of using Silverlight chart control v.s. ASP.Net chart control?
I'll have to let someone else chime in as I don't have any experience with the ASP.NET Charting Toolkit. However, I think you're at first faced with the technology question: Silverlight or straight ASP.NET? Answer that and your toolkit decision becomes a little easier. :-)

Personally, I'm kinda partial to Telerik's control. I've been using their ASP, then AJAX controls for about 3 years now... though they aren't free. They Do have a nice Silverlight package, including a charting control.


Hy, have you tried on codeplex? There are lot of opensource free controls. Have fun. :)



Silverlight Toolkit from Microsoft contains chart controls (scottmarlowe hinted at this, but here is a direct link).

You could also have a look at Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services from Perpetuum Software which may be what you are looking for or the exact opposite.

Martin Liversage