The latest version of systemtap comes with lots of example scripts. One in particular seems like it would server as a good starting point for helping you accomplish your task:
#! /usr/bin/env stap
global thread_thislock
global thread_blocktime
global FUTEX_WAIT = 0
global lock_waits
global process_names
probe syscall.futex {
if (op != FUTEX_WAIT) next
t = tid ()
process_names[pid()] = execname()
thread_thislock[t] = $uaddr
thread_blocktime[t] = gettimeofday_us()
probe syscall.futex.return {
t = tid()
ts = thread_blocktime[t]
if (ts) {
elapsed = gettimeofday_us() - ts
lock_waits[pid(), thread_thislock[t]] <<< elapsed
delete thread_blocktime[t]
delete thread_thislock[t]
probe end {
foreach ([pid+, lock] in lock_waits)
printf ("%s[%d] lock %p contended %d times, %d avg us\n",
process_names[pid], pid, lock, @count(lock_waits[pid,lock]),
I was attempting to diagnose something similar with a MySQL process previously and observed output similar to the following using the above script:
mysqld[3991] lock 0x000000000a1589e0 contended 45 times, 3 avg us
mysqld[3991] lock 0x000000004ad289d0 contended 1 times, 3 avg us
While the above script collects information on all processes running on the system, it would be quite easy to modify it to only work on a certain process or executable. For example, we could change the script to take a process ID argument and modify the probe on entering the futex call to look like:
probe begin {
process_id = strtol(@1, 10)
probe syscall.futex {
if (pid() == process_id && op == FUTEX_WAIT) {
t = tid ()
process_names[process_id] = execname()
thread_thislock[t] = $uaddr
thread_blocktime[t] = gettimeofday_us()
Obviously, you could modify the script lots of ways to suit what you want to do. I'd encourage you to have a look at the various example scripts for SystemTap. They are probably the best starting point.