After seeing some of the helpful comments I have made the following changes:
jQuery(function($) {
$("button").bind("click", function(e){
var decPlaces = $('#dpv').val() * 1;
var hi1 = $('#origin').val();
if ( == 'up' && decPlaces < 5){
$('#dpv').val(decPlaces + 1);
if (hi1 != ''){
$('#' + hi1).trigger("blur");
if ( == 'down' && decPlaces > 0){
$("#dpv").val(decPlaces - 1);
if (hi1 != ''){
$('#' + hi1).trigger("blur");
if ( != 'dpv'){
var sqft = 10.76391041670972192890; //square feet per square meter
var lbs = 2.20462262184877566540; //pounds per kilo
var bwiv = '';
var sfiv = '';
var bwmv = '';
var smmv = '';
if(( == 'bwi' || == 'sfi') && this.value != ''){ // imperial
if( == 'bwi'){
bwiv = $.fn.autoNumeric.Strip(;
sfiv = (3000 / bwiv);
$('#sfi').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('sfi', sfiv));
if( == 'sfi'){
sfiv = $.fn.autoNumeric.Strip(;
bwiv = (3000 / sfiv);
$('#bwi').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('bwi', bwiv));
bwmv = (((bwiv / lbs) / (3000 / sqft)) * 1000);
smmv = (1000 / bwmv);
$('#bwm').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('bwm', bwmv));
$('#smm').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('smm', smmv));
if(( == 'bwm' || == 'smm') && this.value != ''){ //metric
if( == 'bwm'){
bwmv = $.fn.autoNumeric.Strip(;
smmv = (1000 / bwmv);
$('#smm').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('smm', smmv));
if( == 'smm'){
smmv = $.fn.autoNumeric.Strip(;
bwmv = (1000 / smmv);
$('#bwm').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('bwm', bwmv));
bwiv = ((((bwmv / 1000) * lbs) / sqft) * 3000);
sfiv = (3000 / bwiv);
$('#bwi').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('bwi', bwiv));
$('#sfi').val($.fn.autoNumeric.Format('sfi', sfiv));
The up down buttons that increase or decrease the decimal setting still are not very responsive in IE.
FYI - the autoNumeric function call is to a plugin that I created that that does numeric formatting on the fly.
Thanks again.