I have two websites, both using .Net framework 3.5. One website is hosting a soap web service and the other is referencing this service. I'm having some unexpected happenings with my web method signatures. I have a simple method in my web service with a signature such as:
public string[] HelloWorld()
return new[] { "Hello World" };
But when I reference this web service using the 'Add Service Reference' feature in VS2008, with configuration set to "Always generate message contracts" (although when i check the 'reuse types in referenced assemblies', i seem to have the same issue), the signature seems to be changed by the auto generated proxy objects to the following:
HelloWorldResponse HelloWorld(HelloWorldRequest request)
I've tried to look this up on the net, but having trouble finding something that will simply explain to me why this is happening, and whether I can/should try to work around it?
I also have this question: How does one determine whether they should choose the service reference configuration option to "reuse types in referenced assemblies" and "always generated message contracts"?