




Im working on a project at work which is pretty much a commissioning manager and i cant seem to figure out how to link the Items table properly in linq to sql.

I have a package detail table that has (among other things)

DepartmentID, CategoryID, ItemID

And the Items table (is actually a database view as its from a different database and is read only in this app) also have these 3 fields but when i add an association with these 3 fields it doesnt add that as a property object ot the PackageDetail class

am i doing something wrong with the association? all the single ones im doing work fine...

+1  A: 

have marked those ID fields as Primary keys? Make sure you assign the necessary columns as primary keys and this should work fine. Hope it helps


Ensure the keys are correctly setup with primary key and foreign key relationship. If that still doesn't work, could you consider adding a new key column, rather than relying on composite key?

Last option with LINQ to SQL is usually manually updating the DBML with an XML editor. A normal single key relationship appears as follows:

<Association Name="Schedule_Profile" Member="Schedule" ThisKey="ScheduleID" Type="Schedule" IsForeignKey="true" />

Suggest you try creating the element yourself, and try setting ThisKey to a csv list of columns. The OtherKey attribute may also be of interest.

+2  A: 

I don't believe that Linq-to-SQL can properly model an association with a composite key:


However, you can still load objects with composite keys in a Linq-to-SQL query using an anonymous object as the (single) key:


Joshua Tompkins

It looks like you could just use ItemId and ignore the other 2 since that is the most specific qualifier - in other words, Department and Category are fully determined by itemId.

Jim P
not really as ItemID is only unique per Department Category.

Did you mean a query like this.

var result = from table in dbContext.table1 join table2 in dbContext.table2 join new { table.DepartmentID, table.CategoryID, table.ItemID} equals new {table2.DepartmentID, table2.CategoryID, table2.ItemID}
select table;
Cédric Boivin
no i mean a linq to sql association and the 2nd table is actually a view not a table.