




You can design a menu using HTML and CSS only. But to handle all the events [keyboard and mouse ] you have to use JavaScript.

Not if option is simply a link
I don't think you can handle keryboard events [up and down arrows] for a drop down like menu using CSS only. Sorry, if I am wrong.
Its better to give a reason for down vote.
+4  A: 

Is it possible? Yes

Is it recommended? No

You still have to support IE6 and below which only supports the :hover pseudo-selector on <a> tags with an href attribute. Any other tag will have its :hover pseudo-selector ignored. For any other browser, you won't have that limitation.

By using the <a> tag, you are giving yourself the following limitations:

  • No sub <a> tags, which means that the menu will basically lead to one place.
  • No block level elements inside the <a> tag (which can be easily worked around by using display: block on inline elements. This means no <div> no <table> nor any other block level elements.

In a world without Internet Explorer 6 and below, this would rather be trivial to do. But considering that as of July 2009 there is still 27.21% of the web using IE6, you might not want to write them out.

Andrew Moore
data can be misleading. also, if everyone stops supporting IE6, maybe people will upgrade: www.browsesad.com
Try to tell that to corporations that have intranets used worldwide which only supports IE6. It simply ain't going to happen. As long as supporting IE6 has a monetary return (which it has, 1/4 of the internet population is using IE6), it won't disappear.
Andrew Moore
Campaigns like Browse Sad don't understand the mentality of corporate culture. I'll tell you the gold rule: change IS costly. And contrary of what these campaigns wants you to believe, in the end, the consumer has a negligible impact on the IT ecosystem.
Andrew Moore
if you aren't targeting the corporate culture, don't support IE6. also, people at work shouldn't be surfing the internet anyways ;)
Then you are also rejecting corporate customers, and corporate employees (who have machines provided by the business for home); which is a foolish move. Might be fine for a personal blog, but if you want to attract serious traffic, you will need to support it. But thanks Jason, your narrow-mindedness is appreciated.
Andrew Moore

Of course you can. Lists are nothing more than <li> tags. Inside an <li> tag you can put whatever you want:

       <img src="someimage.jpg" alt="alttext" />
       <p><a href="yourlink.html">Your link</a></p>

and then make your menu effect w/your CSS

EDIT ah, i see you only want to use tables. should have read more carefully. if you don't want to use javascript (why, i don't know), no, not w/css and html, at least not cross-browser. you can do it with the pseudoclass :hover which works for any element in modern browsers, but <IE6 won't know what to do with it. However, you should stop supporting IE6 anyways, so maybe you're ok :)

eventually I may switch away from tables, currently my header section uses some table cells, and only a couple of them need to have a drop down menu list, thats why I was saying tables, it would be easiar for me to add in, what I should do is find someone to help me convert my header to css
+1  A: 

Well, yes. If you look at the source for the page you'll see a <ul> making it work. They certainly use JS -in that I disabled JS in Firefox and then reloaded the page, at which point the menu ceased working- but I'm not sure how necessary that is to the menu itself.

You can show an image next to each menu item either by using an <img /> tag in the (x)html or using a background-image in the css.

CSS-based approach:

<style type="text/css" media="all">
ul li {display: inline; position: relative;}

ul li ul {display: none; }

ul li:hover ul {display: block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; }

ul li ul li {padding-left: 10px; background: #fff url(path-to-image.png) top left no-repeat; }

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item
        <li>Sub-level one</li>
        <li>Sub-level two</li>
<li>Third item</li>

(x)html based approach:

<style>... /* will still need to be styled according to your theme */ ...</style>

<li><img src="menu-icon-1.png" alt="menu-icon" />First item</li>
<li><img src="menu-icon-2.png" alt="menu-icon" />Second item
        <li><img src="menu-icon-2-1.png" alt="menu-icon" />Sub-level one</li>
        <li><img src="menu-icon-2-2.png" alt="menu-icon" />Sub-level two</li>
<li><img src="menu-icon-3.png" alt="menu-icon" />Third item</li>

If you want the menu items to have unique icons/images associated with them, then you'd have to use specific ids in the (x)html, so it's not particularly less, or more, convenient to use one approach in favour of the other.

David Thomas

Regarding support for IE6: Have a look at ie7-js it helps with a lot of issues with backwards compatibility, including the use of :hover on elements other than a. I've verified that it works with the CSS solution presented by ricebowl.

EDIT: The good thing about this script is that it is only used by IE5.5 and IE6 (and IE7 if you use the latest version). The latest version makes IE7 behave more like IE8 when rendering a page, making it easier to write simple and good HTML/CSS.