




I need to know how to convert a date time of GMT time zone format into other formats like Eastern,Pacific,Mountain and India.. time zone formats in c#,asp.net2.0 and dot net frame work 2.0.

Thanks in Advance


+1  A: 

Using .NET 2.0 you're mostly stuffed, unfortunately. You'll need to use P/Invoke to create an instance of the TimeZone class. From .NET 3.5 onwards it's a lot better - TimeZoneInfo allows you to fetch non-local zones. I seem to remember that the latter has better support for historical time zone information too, instead of just a pair of rules for when DST changes.

You can get information using GetTimeZoneInformation but that's relatively ugly. There may well be some way of using P/Invoke just to make the conversion for you... although it's still likely to be hairy.

How firm is the requirement to use .NET 2.0? You'd save yourself a lot of hassle using .NET 3.5...

Jon Skeet

Really, you want .NET 3.5 for this...

(I know you asked about .NET 2.0, but this answer may be heplful for somebody searching for this topic in the future)

TimeZoneInfo mountain = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(
    "US Mountain Standard Time");
DateTime utc = DateTime.UtcNow;
DateTime local = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(utc, mountain);

Before then... pain. You can maintain your own list of offsets, but then you have to worry about DST.

Marc Gravell