




I have a couple of methods that do processing after fetching data.I need call these five services in order 1-5,well I would like to make it a exe that can run from the windows scheduler (so that I don't have to write my own scheduling code).The main reason for this exe is so that it can be run on a server rather than on a desktop and do the processing faster.So I was thinking

Make an exe In the exe call the services in the order 1-5 (use threading?)

Log events to event log for exception

Schedule the exe to run from (which account)

Profit ????

+1  A: 

Here are two solutions that should do the trick:

Easy/Fast/Less Capable

  • Follow Treb's suggestion of using a batch file to call each child executable.
  • In the batch file, redirect the output of each child process to a text file (instead of logging to the Event Log).
  • Use the Windows Scheduler to launch the batch file.
  • Ideally, you'd run the batch file with the LocalService account.

A Bit More Work/Slightly More Capable

  • Create a new executable that will launch the five others.
  • This new parent process will capture the output of its child processes (Example), writing it to the Event Log.
  • Run the parent with the Windows Scheduler; again, using the LocalService account.
Chris Zwiryk