I'm running the following query on my database, which generates a sql query I know returns 0 results and when run in sql management studio takes less than a second to return.
var query = (from item in db.Table
where item.Field == FieldValue // Field is not the primary key but is indexed
from other in item.Associated_Table
select other.Table);
List<Table> result = query.ToList();
The Associated_Table is a join table that relates items in Table to other items in Table. The resulting query looks something like this:
declare @p0 as int
[t2].[Price] AS [IntPrice],
[t2].[IsBase] AS [IntIsBase],
[t2].[ProfitCenterID] AS [IntProfitCenterID],
[t2].[PLU] AS [IntPLU],
[t2].[ExtraServiceAmount] AS [IntExtraServiceAmount],
[dbo].[Inventory.Item] AS [t0]
[dbo].[Inventory.ItemExtraAssignment] AS [t1]
[dbo].[Inventory.Item] AS [t2]
ON [t2].[InventoryItemID] = [t1].[ExtraInventoryItemID]
([t0].[PLU] = @p0) AND
([t1].[InventoryItemID] = [t0].[InventoryItemID])
In management studio this query runs in under a second and returns 0 results. Why does it take 2 seconds to execute the 2 lines of c# that run this same query? I realize that it will take some overhead for LinqToSql parse the objects but since no objects are being returned it shouldn't have any work to do.
Is there some optimization I'm missing; or maybe Some setting in the dbml or SQL server itself that needs to be changed?