



I have written a Greasemonkey script which manipulates the contents of certain elements with the following selector:

$("span.relativetime").each(function() { $(this).html("TEST"); });

However, sometimes matching elements are added to the page through AJAX, and I don't know how to handle those new elements. I have tried this, but it doesn't work:

$("span.relativetime").live(function() { $(this).html("TEST"); });

The documentation for jQuery live() says that it wants an event (like "click"). But I don't have any event, I just want to know when something matching my selector has been created, and then I want to modify it.

Background: I am encountering this problem with a Greasemonkey script to display StackOverflow's relative timestamps as absolute local timestamps, which you can find on meta-SO. The problem is when you click "show all comments", the new comments are added by AJAX, and I don't know how to find and replace the timestamps in those scripts.


With StackOverflow's setup I find it annoying to handle stuff after the comments. What I've done is put a bind on the Add/Remove comments button that uses setTimeout to wait for the elements to be created, and then modify them.

Is there no general-purpose way of doing this though, regardless of what site you're on? It seems like something that would be needed fairly frequently.
StackOverflow 'creates' the comments. I don't see many sites that do that. They mostly just 'show' them. Instead SO grabs them via AJAX

One thing you could try (although I'm not sure if it would work) is to cache your selection in some global variable like so:

var $relativetime = $("span.relativetime");

Then you would have your .each function:

$relativetime.each(function() { $(this).html("TEST"); });

After your new elements were added to the DOM, you could reselect append to your cached object:

$relativetime.append("<my html>"); //or
$("<my html>").appendto($relativetime);

(P.s. .html() is for setting html. To set text, use .text()

James Wiseman